You Don’t Have to Live with Spider Veins

34232333 - human spaider veins on the legs of woman - studio shootSpider veins are one of life’s unfortunate and unavoidable beauty blemishes that most women don’t even think twice about before the age of 25. Age has a tendency to bring new issues to light, including spider veins that form from dilated superficial blood vessels. If you’re not exactly loving the web of red and blue veins running across your legs, there is something you can do about it other than wearing pants all year round! Read More

The Best Cosmetic Enhancements Before a Wedding

eyelashesWhether you’re the bride, the groom, a member of the wedding party, or a guest, a wedding is a big deal! Every wedding attendee wants to look his or her very best for the big day, so it makes sense that a wedding is the best opportunity to take advantage of certain non-invasive cosmetic enhancement treatments. As the bride, you want to look your best for the event that will be one of the biggest in your life, and as a guest, you want to flaunt your stunning appearance to the old friends you haven’t seen in years. The following treatments can help you achieve those goals! Read More

Use Injectables To Battle Bell’s Palsy

botox3Bell’s palsy, a form of temporary facial paralysis, can cause a person to feel very self-conscious. Today’s extensive line of facial injectables like Botox and dermal fillers can actually help those with Bell’s palsy to achieve a more symmetrical facial appearance.

A Brief Explanation of Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy usually results from damage or trauma to facial nerves, which direct muscles on the face that control eye blinking, smiling, frowning, and many other tasks. As soon as a facial nerve is disrupted, the brain can’t effectively send messages to the facial muscles, and facial weakness or paralysis occurs. A person with Bell’s palsy can be recognized by the drooping of certain features on one side, or rarely both sides, of the face. There are about 40,000 Americans each year that struggle with Bell’s palsy, mostly between the ages of 15 and 60. Read More

How Can Resveratrol Keep You Young?

retinolEven if you’re not quite sure how to pronounce resveratrol, you can count on it to help your body stay healthy and young. Resveratrol has always been a key word in health and wellness circles, but new research has unveiled even more benefits to the substance than experts previously realized. If you drink red wine or eat blueberries, raspberries, grapes, or mulberries, then you can enjoy these resveratrol benefits!

Protect Lining of Your Arteries

The lining of your arteries dictates how blood flows around your body. Without properly oxygenated blood reaching the most important parts of your anatomy, severe health problems and death occur. Heart attack and stroke are just two common examples of how people can suffer when blood flow fails. Resveratrol is proven to protect the lining of the arteries and even make blood vessels more elastic to allow more blood to flow through. All of this adds up to a healthy heart and a better quality of living. Read More

Try These Five-Minute Anti-Aging Techniques

facialThe 21st century might be filled with its fair share of problems, but men and women alike can rejoice at the fact that age no longer needs to dictate appearance. Your skin can look young and radiant long beyond your prime collagen-producing years thanks to new advances in technology that make looking older totally optional!

However, it often feels like 24 hours in a day isn’t enough time to do everything that must be done. Work, kids, exercise, shopping, family time, sportsthe list goes on and on. How can you squeeze in some TLC for your skin with such a packed schedule? This list of five-minute solutions will help you look younger in less than the time it takes to shower or cook dinner. Read More

Is Liposonix as Incredible as it Sounds?

liposonixJust about every woman can empathize with the frustration of trying to eliminate stubborn, impossible stores of body fat. Some women struggle with their thighs, while others seek slimmer hips or abs. Exercise and healthy eating can achieve impressive results, but sometimes some extra help is required to eliminate those last few pesky pounds. Liposonix is a new form of technology that can help women (and men!) shed weight from their most difficult problem spots. And yes, it’s as incredible as it sounds! Read More

Today is the Day to Try Dermaplaning

shavingDermaplaning is a hot new procedure that delivers glowing skin using the simple concept of facial shaving. Even if it sounds basic, it definitely is not. Dermaplaning is a favorite Hollywood secret that helps women achieve smooth, radiant skin without any invasive surgery or costly treatments.

The Perks of Dermaplaning

Have you ever tried to apply makeup, only to find that it clumps in with the fine hairs on your face and makes you look like an unexperienced 6th grader sneaking her mom’s concealer before school? Dermaplaning eliminates that problem with the use of a scalpel and light feathery strokes. In no more than 30 minutes, one session of Dermaplaning can shave the peach fuzz from your face and exfoliate your skin. Read More

Don’t Let Lasers Scare You Out of Skin Rejuvenation

laser therapyIf you’re not the adventurous type, the idea of relying upon lasers to rejuvenate and heal your skin might be slightly intimidating or frightening. But the truth is that laser skin rejuvenation is a safe and trustworthy treatment that can completely transform your appearance and help you regain the clear, silky smooth skin you thought had permanently disappeared after your 20th birthday.

The Purpose of Laser Skin Rejuvenation

The overall goal of laser skin rejuvenation is to eliminate and reduce wrinkles, scars, and blemishes that are making your feel self-conscious, less confident, or frustrated by your appearance. Read More

Enhance Your Appearance with ThermiSmooth

thermismoothSome areas of the body are much harder to treat than others. Your eyes, mouth, eyelids, and neck, for example, can’t always be treated with the same vigor as other troublesome body parts. That is why the same technology that brought you ThermiTight is also offering ThermiSmooth, a completely non-invasive heat-based treatment that heals the most delicate parts of your body to revive the smooth skin of your youth.

The ThermiSmooth Technology

Every ThermiSmooth treatment is completed using the ThermiRF hand piece, a unique FDA approved aesthetic device that harnesses controlled radiofrequency to provide controlled heat that treats a number of skin conditions with painless efficiency. Read More

Three Reasons to Try ThermiTight

thermitight_app_cmyk_pngaIf you are beginning to notice more cellulite on your thighs and buttocks, bags under your eyes, and wrinkles on your face, then you are suffering from a condition called skin laxity. Aging is the most common cause of skin laxity, which is defined by loose skin drained of its natural shape and radiance.  Though this issue can be incredibly frustrating, procedures like the revolutionary ThermiTight have been designed to reverse skin laxity problems and restore natural beauty and youthfulness to your appearance. Read More