Don’t Let Lasers Scare You Out of Skin Rejuvenation

laser therapyIf you’re not the adventurous type, the idea of relying upon lasers to rejuvenate and heal your skin might be slightly intimidating or frightening. But the truth is that laser skin rejuvenation is a safe and trustworthy treatment that can completely transform your appearance and help you regain the clear, silky smooth skin you thought had permanently disappeared after your 20th birthday.

The Purpose of Laser Skin Rejuvenation

The overall goal of laser skin rejuvenation is to eliminate and reduce wrinkles, scars, and blemishes that are making your feel self-conscious, less confident, or frustrated by your appearance.

If you struggle with fine lines or wrinkles on your face, scars from acne or chickenpox, sun-damage, live spots, discoloration, or large pores, lasers can help!

Laser Skin Rejuvenation Basics

A laser is nothing more than a beam of concentrated light that pulses over your targeted skin irregularity to remove the unwanted skin in a careful and precise manner. One layer of skin is removed at a time for the ultimate accuracy. While the damaged skin is eliminated, the laser’s heat also acts to stimulate collagen growth within the skin.

Collagen is so important because it is a fibrous protein that contributes to the skin’s elasticity, hydration, contour, and resiliency. The majority of age-related skin problems occur because the body no longer produces enough collagen to fight against the impacts of aging. The laser’s ability to generate more collagen makes the treatment even more valuable.

Choices, Choices, Choices!

Lasers are hardly a one-size-fits-all type of technology. Based on your needs, you can find ablative, nonablative, or fractional lasers.  Ablative lasers create a steady injury to the skin, just like a chemical peel or dermabrasion. Most ablative lasers are utilized for skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and acne scar purposes. Nonablative lasers, on the other hand, are best to remove fine lines and wrinkles since the laser’s light passes over the skin. Finally, fractional lasers work by essentially drilling tiny holes into deep layers of skin and forcing the skin to strengthen itself by “connecting the dots”.

Only a qualified professional can tell you the treatment that will work best for your needs, but it’s nice to know you can have all of your bases covered.