How Can Resveratrol Keep You Young?

retinolEven if you’re not quite sure how to pronounce resveratrol, you can count on it to help your body stay healthy and young. Resveratrol has always been a key word in health and wellness circles, but new research has unveiled even more benefits to the substance than experts previously realized. If you drink red wine or eat blueberries, raspberries, grapes, or mulberries, then you can enjoy these resveratrol benefits!

Protect Lining of Your Arteries

The lining of your arteries dictates how blood flows around your body. Without properly oxygenated blood reaching the most important parts of your anatomy, severe health problems and death occur. Heart attack and stroke are just two common examples of how people can suffer when blood flow fails. Resveratrol is proven to protect the lining of the arteries and even make blood vessels more elastic to allow more blood to flow through. All of this adds up to a healthy heart and a better quality of living.

Reduce Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress occurs when the production of free radicals in your body is higher than your system’s ability to counteract and detoxify them. Oxidation has terrible impacts on the body, ranging from prematurely aging skin to cancer and everything in between. The potent antioxidant power of resveratrol is able to stand up against oxidative stress to keep the body healthy and protect cells from being damaged. This is a critical element to preventing cancer or the spread of cancer, since oxidative stress is known to cause the cell damage that leads to cancer.

Prevent Production of Inflammatory Agents

Resveratrol’s ability to prevent inflammation is what has most recently been making headlines. Inflammation is a natural physical response to protect the body from outside invaders like bacteria and viruses, but living with chronic inflammation is very dangerous and is linked to chronic diseases. Resveratrol can play an important role in supporting your quest to limit the inflammation in your body, but it can’t do it alone. By avoiding trans fats and sugar while eating foods high in resveratrol, your body will have the chance to get its inflammation back under control. This is important for the skin, since inflammation can create unattractive skin issues, swelling, redness, and more.