Try These Five-Minute Anti-Aging Techniques

facialThe 21st century might be filled with its fair share of problems, but men and women alike can rejoice at the fact that age no longer needs to dictate appearance. Your skin can look young and radiant long beyond your prime collagen-producing years thanks to new advances in technology that make looking older totally optional!

However, it often feels like 24 hours in a day isn’t enough time to do everything that must be done. Work, kids, exercise, shopping, family time, sportsthe list goes on and on. How can you squeeze in some TLC for your skin with such a packed schedule? This list of five-minute solutions will help you look younger in less than the time it takes to shower or cook dinner.

Try a Face Mask

You don’t want to use a face mask that’s on sale at Wal-Mart for $5, but purchasing a mask with high quality ingredients can rejuvenate your skin and infuse it with nutrients and vitamins that have an anti-aging effect. The best products are raw, meaning that only whole, fresh ingredients are used. Stay away from chemicals and preservatives that do the body more harm than good!

For example, an anti-aging face mask might include whole leaf aloe vera, sea minerals, flax seed gel, chlorella, spirulina, sea kept, and cucumber in addition to various essential oils that work wonders for the skin. This type of sea ingredient combination supplies vital nutrients to the skin in order to restore a refreshed and youthful complexion. Not to mention your skin will become plumper, more hydrated, and brighter.

Use a Primer

It only takes a pea-size amount of facial primer to moisturize and hydrate your face all day long. You’ll look dewy all day, and your face won’t suffer the dryness that can cause an aged appearance. There are countless types of primer out there, some with collagen boosting effects and others with vitamins and extracts that nourish your skin even more. Choose a high-quality, reliable product that will truly support the health of your skin, and you’ll start to notice your age marks become less noticeable as your skin takes on a younger-looking glow.