A Quick Guide to Styling Your Eyebrows

eyelashesMany women feel comfortable applying concealer and mascara, but feel lost when they need to deal with their eyebrows. Styled eyebrows can significantly enhance your appearance, so it’s handy to know the tricks of the trade.

Get the Right Shape

Before you begin, hold a pair of tweezers, nail file, or other narrow object so that it runs from the upper bridge of your nose toward your eyebrow. Your ultimate goal is to shape your eyebrow so that it aligns with the bridge. Use a brow pencil to fill in your brow before you pluck, so that you can clearly identify the shape you should tweeze around.

The arch of your brow should be about three-quarters of the way back from the bridge of your nose, and should then taper off and follow the angle of your eye. You can even get fancy and use an eyebrow tool called a spoolie, which looks like a very small brow comb, to encourage extra volume. Remember to only ever tweeze the bottom of the brow, not above it.

Get Matchy Matchy

Of course, whatever you do for one eyebrow, you need to do for the other. Repeat the same shaping technique on your second brow and make sure that each brow’s arch tops out at the same point. This method does rely upon brow pencil made of powder and a tiny bit of wax in order to fill in the gaps and create a more cohesive look that naked brows alone can provide. Once you’re done, apply translucent powder over the eyebrows to help the brow pencil set and look fresh.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Remember that all women don’t have the same brows or the same needs, so your thin eyebrows will need a different level of TLC than your best friend’s thick brows. In addition to thick and thin, eyebrows can also be categorized as patchy, over-tweezed, arch-less, unruly, and round. If you fall into the “patchy” description, for instance, tweeze your stray hairs and build the rest of your shape based on the most naturally dense area using powder and a brush.