Three Reasons to Consider Kybella

anti-aging-treatmentsKybella is the most recent proof that technology has more to offer those looking to cosmetically enhance their appearances. This revolutionary product specifically targets double-chins, known as “submental fullness.” Kybella is FDA approved to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the skin while also contouring the chin area for a smoother, younger appearance. This proven procedure is calling your name, and here’s why.

It Truly Delivers Results

Double chins become increasingly common throughout the aging process, and Kybella offers a non-surgical way to eliminate that extra fat in a way that diet and exercise can’t. Not only will this injection reduce the amount of fat under your chin, but it will also provide your chin area with more defined shape.

This is achieved using deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body as a molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. By providing the body with addition deoxycholic acid, the fat cells are efficiently destructed.

It’s Quick and Painless

As a non-surgical treatment, it’s virtually painless and very convenient. If you choose to use Kybella to target your double chin, you’ll ultimately receive six treatments within six months’ time. The most significant improvement in appearance usually becomes visible sometime after the second or third procedure.

This procedure is an easy alternative to liposuction or surgery to treat unwanted submental fullness. Rather than an invasive procedure that requires days or weeks of downtime, Kybella only requires a short series of injections that take about 15 minutes each.

It’s Permanent

Since Kybella destroys fat cells upon injection in the chin, the cells are no longer able to store or accumulate fat. The body gradually breaks down and absorbs the existing fat so that after a few treatments the chin area is slimmer and more contoured. With the fat cells no longer capable of accumulating fat, the results of Kybella maintain themselves and retreatment is not necessary.