Ignore These Weight Loss Myths

weight loss 4Weight loss is a goal that nearly everybody seeks to achieve at one point in their lives. But weight loss can be extremely challenging with conflicting information every way you turn. From the largest concepts to the smallest details, what should you believe? Well, let’s start with what you shouldn’t believe. These three misconceptions at one point gained popularity as the truth, but they are indeed nothing more than flawed reasoning.

Misconception #1: You Must Count Calories to Lose Weight

Counting calories isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s not a guaranteed weight loss tactic. It’s far more important to consider where your calories come from. 1,000 calories from blueberry pie and a double cheeseburger are far, far worse than 1,500 calories from clean foods like brown rice, avocado, yogurt, and fruit.

Misconception #2: Carbs Are the Enemy

Your body needs carbohydrates, just in the right forms. Eating 10 breadsticks and 2 bagels with dinner definitely won’t help you lose weight, but there’s no reason you should feel guilty adding healthy sources of carbs like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. The “bad” carbohydrates include donuts, cookies, refined white bread, and other calories that turn straight into the type of fat that gathers on your thighs and stomach.

Misconception #3: Fats Make You Fat

Dietary fat is all too often associated with the adjective “fat,” and it’s hard for many people to accept that it’s not damaging to eat something with 5 or 10 grams of fat. It’s all about the type of fat. Mono- and polyunsaturated fats are absolutely crucial for your body’s health. They lower cholesterol, keep your immune system and digestive system running smoothly, and even boost your brain power. These healthy fats also keep your body energized and help maintain your metabolism. It’s true that trans-fat should be avoided like a disease, but walnuts, avocados, and olive oil should be embraced as excellent weight loss tools!

Keep these three things in mind as you inform your eating habits, and you might just notice some positive improvement!