Pamper Yourself with Hydrojelly Facials

Hydrojelly facials are an advanced spa treatment designed to deeply hydrate the skin. The unique formula of these innovative facials ensures that your pores receive the maximum benefit from every ingredient. If you’re looking for a way to unwind while pampering your skin, several types of hydrojelly facials are available at Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Clearwater, Florida.

How Do Hydrojelly Facials Work?

Hydrojelly facials go beyond your average spa facial by penetrating deep into the pores for a powerful moisturizing effect. The mask starts out as a powder made of natural ingredients to boost the health of your skin. Before the mask is applied, purified water is added to the powder so that it takes a jelly-like form. 

The mask is applied while it still has a jelly-like consistency. This makes it easy to smooth over the skin in a single, even layer. 

The hydrojelly mask should remain on your skin for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. In that time, the mask will solidify. In the solidifying process, the mask locks all of its potent ingredients into your pores for the maximum effect. 

The Relaxing Effect of a Hydrojelly Facial

When you visit Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center for a hydrojelly facial, we’ll help you unwind with a comprehensive skin treatment. 

First, we’ll deeply cleanse the skin to remove dirt and oils from the surface of the skin. Then, we’ll steam the skin to open up the pores, extracting any impurities that are remaining after the deep cleanse. The gentle heat from the steam has a relaxing effect on the muscles in the face to help you get the most out of your hydrojelly treatment. 

Once we’ve thoroughly steamed the skin, it’s time for exfoliation. Exfoliation may be completed with a cream, gel, or peel. The exfoliation formula will be left on the skin to remove any whiteheads or blackheads before the hydrojelly mask is applied. 

Different Types of Hydrojelly Facials

Hydrojelly facials come in several different formulations. Different ingredients have different effects on the skin, and we can help you find a facial to address your individual concerns. 

Hydrojelly facials typically always include some form of algae. Algae provides several electrolytes to your skin, working to restore its natural moisture balance. Your skin can also benefit from algae’s detoxifying effect, which, in combination with its ability to strengthen your skin’s natural barrier, will help keep your pores clear from impurities. Algae can deteriorate after being exposed to water for too long, so the powder form of a hydrojelly mask is ideal. 

Other common ingredients found in hydrojelly facials include:

  • Egyptian rose
  • Lavender
  • Grape seed extract
  • Oat flour
  • Rice Flour 

At Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Clearwater, Florida, we’re excited to offer hydrojelly facials as a cutting-edge cosmetic treatment. Contact us today to learn more about how you can pamper yourself with this one-of-a-kind facial.