Will My Butt Get Bigger with Sculptra®?

If you’ve been dreaming of a fuller and more shapely posterior, Sculptra® may be the answer you’ve been searching for. At Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Tampa, we offer Sculptra® filler as a non-surgical alternative to enhance your booty with a Sculptra® Butt Lift. This innovative treatment provides a cost-effective and less invasive option compared to the traditional Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery. Let’s explore how Sculptra® can help you achieve the bigger and more voluptuous buttocks you desire, while highlighting its advantages over risky surgery.

What is Sculptra®?

Sculptra® is a dermal filler composed of poly-L-lactic acid, a biocompatible and biodegradable substance. When injected strategically, Sculptra® stimulates collagen production, resulting in natural volume and lifting of the treated area. While Sculptra® is commonly used for facial rejuvenation, its effectiveness, and safety have also made it a popular choice for non-surgical butt augmentation.

Benefits of a Sculptra® Butt Lift Over Surgery

So, what are the benefits of using Sculptra® for a butt lift instead of opting for surgery? Let’s take a closer look:


Sculptra® offers a more budget-friendly alternative to surgical procedures like the Brazilian Butt Lift. Surgery involves various expenses, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesia costs, facility fees, and post-operative care. With Sculptra®, you can achieve noticeable results without breaking the bank.

Minimally Invasive

Unlike surgery, a Sculptra® Butt Lift is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require incisions or general anesthesia. Sculptra® injections are performed using fine needles, minimizing discomfort and downtime. This means you can return to your daily activities shortly after the treatment.

Natural-Looking Results

Sculptra® works gradually, stimulating collagen production over time. This gradual approach allows for natural-looking results, as your buttocks gradually develop a fuller and more lifted appearance. The results are subtle yet noticeable, enhancing your natural curves without appearing overly augmented.

Long-Lasting Effects

While individual results may vary, the benefits of Sculptra® can last up to two years. This longevity makes it an attractive option for individuals seeking a semi-permanent solution for butt enhancement. To maintain the results, touch-up treatments can be performed as needed.

Minimal Downtime

After a Sculptra® Butt Lift, most individuals can resume their normal activities immediately. However, it’s important to follow post-treatment guidelines provided by your medical professional, including avoiding prolonged sitting for a period of time. Temporary side effects, such as swelling or bruising, can occur but typically subside within a few days.

Results May Vary

It’s essential to note that while Sculptra® can provide significant improvements in buttock shape and size, the extent of enhancement may vary depending on individual factors such as existing buttock size and desired outcome. During a consultation at Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center, our experienced professionals will assess your specific needs and discuss realistic expectations for your Sculptra Butt Lift.

Sculpt Your Perfect Booty With Sculptra® at Ultimate Image!

If you’ve been considering a butt lift but prefer a non-surgical approach, Sculptra® may be the ideal solution for you. Contact Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our Sculptra® Butt Lift treatment. Sculptra® can help you achieve the bootylicious silhouette you desire without the need for expensive, risky surgery. No matter what treatment you choose, we’ll help you embrace your curves and feel confident in your own skin at Ultimate Image of Tampa Bay!