Transform Your Jawline Naturally with ThermiTight

64806917 - a senior woman touching her neckWould you say no to smoother, tighter, younger looking skin? Of course not. But you might not realize just how easy it is to actually achieve. ThermiTight is one of the newest treatments to hit the market that provides men and women alike with a safe, comfortable, non-surgical way to effectively tighten the skin. Here’s everything you need to know.

How Does ThermiTight Work?

The secret to ThermiTight is controlled subdermal tissue heating. A ThermiRF SmartTip thermistor probe is used to inject radiofrequency energy below the surface of the skin. The RF energy causes carefully controlled damage to the layers of the skin, which stimulates the production of collagen known as neocollagenesis.

In neocollagenesis, the fibroblasts living in skin cells essentially become disrupted. Fibroblasts are responsible for making collagen, but they become less and less effective every year after you turn 20. By your 30s, fibroblasts are couch potatoes, and by your 40s they’re all but retired. The less efficiently that your skin’s fibroblasts produce collagen, the more your skin will sag, lose volume, and sustain unwanted wrinkles and creases. The delivery of radiofrequency heat directly into the skin forces the fibroblasts to jump to action and produce the collagen that your skin needs to bounce back into youth.

The Procedure

ThermiTight begins with a small injection of a local numbing agent to keep you comfortable and free of pain during the procedure. Next, your technician will use the SmartTip thermistor probe to inject RF energy under the targeted layers of your skin. As the probe is moved up and down to accurately and uniformly heat the area, collagen will begin to form. The entire treatment wraps up in about 45 minutes, and other than a bit of swelling for a few days, there is no recovery time!

Undeniable Benefits

If you use ThermiTight to regain tight, firm, supple skin around your jawline and neck, you will notice the results gradually over time. After a few weeks, you will look like a whole new person, rejuvenated, radiant, and young. You can also use ThermiTight around your breasts, arms, abdomen, thighs, and knees. Once you look at a few before and after pictures, you will understand the potential for this treatment to transform your appearance entirely.