Safety Harbor Radiesse

Safety Harbor Radiesse

One of the things that happens as we age is that our face loses volume and our skin loses elasticity. The two problems combined can cause fine lines and wrinkles that begin to appear. There are a lot of options out there for aesthetics, but one of the best ways to smooth those lines and plump the face is Radiesse. Radiesse is completely safe and has many benefits.

What Is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a dermal filler. Its main ingredient is CaHA, or Calcium Hydroxylapatite. This is suspended in a water-based gel, and injected with lidocaine to minimize injection site pain. Radiesse is FDA approved for use in the face and in the hands. It can be used to both eliminate lines and wrinkles in the face as well as give you fuller, healthier-looking hands.

How Does Radiesse Work?

Radiesse plumps the face for immediate results. As the face plumps, fine lines and wrinkles are smoothed out. But Radiesse’s magic doesn’t stop there. The active ingredient also stimulates collagen production so your face will maintain its fullness and your skin will be healthier and more youthful. Collagen production begins to decrease at age 25, and Radiesse restores that production to give you a more youthful look.

What to Expect from Radiesse

You will have immediate results following your appointment for Radiesse dermal filler. You may notice as lines are smoothed out by the plumpness of your face that they may melt away entirely in a short time. Collagen production will be stimulated, and the results will last for many months. For most people, results last up to one year, although individual results may vary.

If you are interested in trying Radiesse for yourself, contact us today for an appointment at Ultimate Image near Safety Harbor.