Reverse Sun Damage With Fraxel Laser Treatments

A healthy, glowing complexion is the hallmark of youthful skin. Yet, even with the best sunscreens and skincare routines, the effects of sun exposure over time can lead to signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and uneven pigmentation. If you’re troubled by the lingering signs of sun damage on your skin, it’s time to discover the rejuvenating power of Fraxel laser treatments at Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center, with convenient locations in both Tampa and Clearwater.

What is Fraxel Laser Treatment?

Fraxel is a non-invasive laser therapy that uses light energy to treat a variety of aging skin issues, including sun damage. Customized to your specific needs and concerns, Fraxel treatments are focused, effective, and safe. 

The process works by creating tiny microthermal zones deep in the skin, akin to pixels on a TV screen. These zones stimulate your skin to repair the “damaged” areas by replacing old skin with new, healthier skin. This procedure also triggers collagen stimulation in the body, accelerating the production of fresh, healthy skin cells to eliminate imperfections.

Fraxel Against Sun Damage

With the passage of time, harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause wrinkles, sun spots, and reduce the overall elasticity of our skin. Fraxel laser treatments can dramatically reduce these signs of sun damage, resulting in smoother, healthier, and more youthful-looking skin. 

Other Uses for Fraxel

In addition to sun damage, Fraxel is effective in minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and brow lines. It’s also adept at erasing the effects of acne scarring, reducing pigmentation and age spots, and even helping to manage actinic keratosis (AK), a common pre-cancerous skin condition.

The Fraxel Treatment Process

A typical Fraxel treatment lasts between 15 and 45 minutes. Some patients report the sensation of a “light sunburn” immediately after treatment, but discomfort is typically minimal and manageable. With Fraxel, there’s no need to worry about significant downtime; you can return to your normal schedule promptly post-treatment. 

Fraxel works with your body’s natural skin cell processes, so results typically emerge within 1–3 weeks after the session. Once the difference starts showing, you’ll notice diminished lines and wrinkles, reduced scarring, improved pigmentation, and significant reversal of sun damage.

While some patients see results after just one session, up to five treatments spaced over a few months may be recommended for maximum outcomes. Our team will work with you to create a treatment plan tailored to your skin’s needs.

Schedule Your Fraxel Treatment Today

The sun doesn’t have to have the last word on your skin. With Fraxel laser treatments at Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center, you can effectively reverse the signs of sun damage and reclaim a youthful, vibrant complexion.

If you’re ready to turn back the clock on sun damage, give us a call today at (727) 799-7000 to schedule your Fraxel treatment. With convenient locations in Tampa and Clearwater, achieving your skincare goals has never been easier. Experience the transformation that Fraxel can offer – because you deserve skin that’s as radiant as you are!