The Most Popular Cosmetic Enhancements for Men

coolsculptingWomen aren’t the only ones who want to look their best! Cosmetic procedures for men are have been booming in recent years, leading more and more male patients are approaching cosmetic medical spas looking for ways to enhance their appearance. These are the procedures that men seem most drawn to this year.


Most people compare CoolSculpting to, well, magic. In just one hour, this non-invasive procedure safely freezes fat cells and forces them out of the body. Men are drawn to this treatment to permanently fix trouble spots that don’t always respond well to exercise. Beer guts and “man boobs” are the perfect areas to tackle with CoolSculpting, especially for already fit men looking to contour stubborn pockets of fat.

Laser Hair Reduction

Shaving is costly, for both your time and your wallet. It also causes unsightly ingrown hairs and never lasts longer than the appearance of that 5 o’clock shadow. So it’s no wonder than men are enjoying the many benefits of laser hair reduction, which only takes a few minutes to target unwanted body hair with safe yet powerful laser energy. The laser hair reduction process is simple and virtually painless, and the results last a very long time. Once hair does grow back, it grows back far thinner, and another round of laser treatment keeps it away even longer. It doesn’t take long for shaving, ingrown hairs, and razor burn become things of the past.


Botox isn’t just for women! In addition to preventing the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging, Botox can also be used to prevent excessive sweating. This helps men reduce their reliance deodorants and antiperspirants. It only takes one single treatment for benefits to begin, and that one treatment provides six months of shirts without sweat stains at the pits!

These are just three of the many ways that men can take advantage of the growing cosmetic enhancement industry.