Palm Harbor Radiesse

As we age, collagen and elastin production in the skin naturally decreases. The decrease actually begins at about age 25, although you may not see the effects for ten years or more after. This decrease can lead to volume loss in the face, which in turn causes fine lines and wrinkles. One great way to give your skin a more youthful appearance that lasts is through Radiesse.

Palm Harbor RadiesseWhat Is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a unique dermal filler that both plumps the face and helps the body produce collagen in the face. The active ingredient of Radiesse is CaHA, or Calcium Hydroxylapatite microspheres. The CaHA is suspended in a water-based gel and injected under the skin. Lidocaine is also used to minimize pain at the injection site.

What Results Can I Expect?

Radiesse gives immediate results. The dermal filler plumps the face, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Over time, the compound helps stimulate collagen production to help your results last longer. You will notice your results from Radiesse right away, and continue to see the results for up to one year. Individual results may vary, but most women who use Radiesse find that their results last at least one year between treatments. This makes Radiesse one of the longest lasting dermal fillers.

How Can I Get Started?

Getting started with Radiesse at Ultimate Image near Palm Harbor is easy and doesn’t take a lot of time. You can get your Radiesse treatment in just an afternoon and go back to your regular activities right away. There is no down time or recovery time, although you may experience some swelling or discomfort near the injection site for the first day or two. We will start with a consultation to discuss your goals and ensure Radiesse is right for you. Contact us today to get started with your consultation.