Oldsmar Radiesse Treatments

Oldsmar Radiesse





Radiesse is a powerful and effective dermal filler that has multiple uses. There are many benefits to using Radiesse to get younger, healthier skin. Radiesse is FDA approved for not just your face, but also for hand augmentation. This amazing dermal filler is available now at Ultimate Image near Oldsmar. Contact us today for your initial appointment and consultation.

How Radiesse Works

Radiesse has an active ingredient of CaHA, or Calcium Hydroxylapatite. This compound is suspended in a water-based gel and injected with lidocaine to minimize pain at the injection site. Radiesse is a dermal filler that plumps the volume of your face to fill in wrinkles and fine lines. But its work doesn’t stop there.

Radiesse also stimulates collagen production. Collagen in the body begins to decrease before the age of 30, and the decreased amount of collagen in the skin is one reason why lines and wrinkles form. Radiesse causes the body to begin producing collagen again, so your results last for a longer amount of time, usually about one year. Individual results may vary.

Radiesse for Hands

Radiesse is a unique dermal filler in that it has also been FDA approved for use in hand augmentation. If you have bulges, boniness, or discoloration in your hands due to aging, Radiesse can give your hands new life. After a hand lift with Radiesse, you will have younger-looking, fuller, and healthier-looking hands.

If you are ready to try Radiesse for yourself, contact Ultimate Image near Oldsmar today. We will schedule a consultation where we can address your concerns and develop a treatment plan. Your Radiesse appointment will be fast and effective, with results being seen almost immediately after the injections. Contact us today to get started on a younger, healthier-looking you.