Oldsmar Chemical Peels

There are a lot of things in this world that damage your skin, making you look older than your years. Sun exposure, acne, clogged pores, and the very environment you live and work in can damage your skin. One way to get healthier, younger-looking skin is through a chemical peel. Ultimate Image near Oldsmar is experienced in a variety of chemical peels.

How Does a Chemical Peel Work?

OldsMar Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure in which a chemical is applied to the face to peel away the uppermost skin, making way for fresh new skin to take its place. There are a variety of chemicals that can be used depending on your skin type and how deep you want the peel to be.

Depending on the chemical used, within hours or days your skin will peel away, and within a few days the new skin will replace the old. This gives you a younger, fresher look. Chemical peels are also great for cleansing the pores and evening skin tone from sun damage. They can even help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Types of Chemical Peels

Ultimate Image near Oldsmar offers a number of chemical peels suitable for every skin type. When you call us for an appointment, we will do a skin assessment and determine the right chemical peel and strength for your unique situation.

The three most common chemical peels are:

  • Glycolic acid: A quick peel with no downtime, great for beginners
  • Lactic acid: Best for dry and sensitive skin
  • Salicylic peel: Great for targeting oily and acne-prone skin

We also offer a number of medium-strength peels that can help remedy sun damage, melasma, acne scarring, blackheads and whiteheads, and large pores. These include Jessner, Fusion, AHA Brightening, and Vitamin C peels.

If you are ready for fresher, younger, healthier-looking skin, contact us today for an appointment.