How to Prevent Brown Spots on the Skin

If you spent time out in the sun without sunscreen when you were younger, or if you have certain skin conditions like melasma, you’re probably dealing with brown spots (also called age spots or liver spots) on your face, neck, chest, arms, and/or hands. Fortunately, most of the time brown spots are harmless, but these unsightly spots can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, affecting your self-confidence and self-esteem. Many people try to cover these brown spots with makeup, only to find that the excessive makeup looks even worse or just isn’t pigmented enough to really cover the spots. So how do you prevent brown spots from popping up on your skin as you age? In this post, we’ll go over brown spot prevention basics, plus a few treatment options if you’ve already developed brown spots.

Brown Spot Prevention Tips

Slather on that SPF

We really can’t say it enough…WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY! You need to coat every part of your body that isn’t covered with protective clothing with a high-quality sunscreen with at least SPF 30, every single day, multiple times per day. That’s even more true if you work or spend lots of time outside…you need to be reapplying sunscreen at least every two hours for maximum effectiveness, and we don’t recommend being outside during peak UV hours of 10am to 4pm. The reward? You’ll ward off those pesky brown spots for years beyond your non-sunscreen-wearing friends, keeping your precious skin in its best condition.

Say NO to the Tanning Beds

We get it, everyone wants that sun-kissed glow Florida is famous for, but we just can’t get behind achieving it in a tanning bed. Tanning beds are associated with higher rates of both fatal and non-fatal skin cancers and should be avoided entirely. Luckily, self-tanning products have come a long way from the pumpkin-colored lotions of the past, so check out some reviews and try out a few different options to find the one that’s best for you.

Nourish, Enrich, and Heal With Antioxidants

Your skin is a living part of your body which needs special care to stay in great shape. One of the best ways you can care for your skin is to load up on antioxidants, which protect the skin and other organs from damaging free radicals. However, we don’t recommend grabbing the first bottle of lotion labeled “with antioxidants” and thinking that’s going to take care of your skin properly…skin nourishment and healing needs to come from the inside out. That’s why we recommend a healthy diet full of antioxidant-rich, functional foods to take priority over other ways of getting daily antioxidants. Pro tip: according to this 2010 study, an Indian diet is typically packed with antioxidant-rich foods and medicinal plants.

Scrub Away Dead Skin

Stop brown spots before they have a chance to form by gently exfoliating your skin at least once weekly. Use a gentle chemical exfoliator or an extra-gentle physical exfoliation agent to buff away any dead skin cells, promoting the development of new, healthy skin cells underneath. If you’re unsure of what type of exfoliating agent to use, consult with a qualified aesthetician.

Brown Spot Treatment Options

For those who already have brown spots, several treatment options can help reduce their appearance:

Topical Treatments

Over-the-counter creams and serums containing ingredients like hydroquinone, glycolic acid, and retinoids can lighten brown spots over time. For more significant results, a dermatologist can prescribe stronger, prescription-strength treatments.


Think of microdermabrasion as a physical exfoliation session on steroids. By using tiny crystals to remove the entire outermost layer of skin cells, microdermabrasion is a great way to remove recently formed brown spots and really get down to the fresh cells underneath. The best part is that microdermabrasion is totally non-invasive and requires minimal downtime, as the redness from the procedure usually subsides within a day or two.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels also exfoliate the skin by using chemicals to remove the outermost layer of skin, taking some brown spots with it. Chemical peels come in a variety of formulations, from very mild to very intense, and should only be administered by a trained professional. Consult with your aesthetician about which chemical peel is best for your skin needs.

Fraxel Laser Therapy

Fraxel laser treatments use light energy to create microthermal zones deep within the skin, encouraging the body’s natural healing processes to repair the “damaged” microthermal zone with new, healthy tissue. An experienced Fraxel practitioner can strategically target developing brown spots, breaking up their pigment without harming the surrounding tissue. Several sessions will likely be required for the desired results.

Blast Away Brown Spots at Ultimate Image in Tampa Bay

While brown spots are a common skin concern, there are several ways to effectively prevent and treat them. Sun protection, routine skincare, a healthy diet, and professional aesthetic treatments can all help you keep brown spots at bay. If you’re in Tampa Bay and ready to get rid of unattractive brown spots, Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center is here to help. To schedule a consultation at our Clearwater or Tampa location, call us at 727-799-7000, email, or message us online.