How Soon Can I Sit Down After Qwo® Injections?

Did you know that 80-90% of women (and about 10% of men) have cellulite on their buttocks and/or thighs? Cellulite can cause extreme embarrassment and cause people to go to great lengths to cover the affected areas. Treatments for cellulite have always been hit or miss…until now!

Finally! A Cellulite Treatment That Really Works!

Allow us to introduce Qwo®, the first and only non-surgical injectable for cellulite. Qwo® was approved by the FDA in July 2020 to treat cellulite in the buttocks, and it has proven itself as a game-changer in the non-surgical beauty industry ever since! 

What is it Like to Get Qwo® Injections?

Qwo® is administered in three appointments over a 9-week period right here in our office. Qwo® is injected directly into the cellulite to start breaking down the septae that cause dimpling. You may experience some redness, bruising, or swelling at the injection site that should dissipate quickly.

After each session, you can go right back to your regular activities (minus heavy exercise for 24 hours)…no need for most people to even miss work. If you have a very strenuous job, like construction, speak with us about post-injection care. 

How Long Should I Avoid Sitting Down After Qwo®?

One of the great things about Qwo® injections is that you can drive yourself home or back to work after your treatment. There’s no need to avoid sitting that is part of your normal routine. However, intense pressure on the treatment sites should be avoided If you work at a job where you sit at a desk all day, it is important to take regular breaks where you stand up and walk around for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. This will help ensure that your Qwo® results are as smooth and even as possible.

Some clients like to use compression shorts, a pillow, or an inflatable doughnut under their buttocks during the first few days post-treatment due to swelling and bruising. Talk to our staff about ways you can prevent bruising and swelling before and after your Qwo® procedure.

Qwo® Treatments for Cellulite in Tampa Bay

Are you ready to give Qwo® a try? Then make the call to Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Tampa at (727) 799-7000! Dr. Besnoff and our expert staff will develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate that unsightly cellulite for good. Enjoy the summer sun this year with no fear or shame…get long-lasting results with Qwo® injections at Ultimate Image in Tampa today!