Get Ready for Summer with a Brazilian Butt Lift

Summer will be here before you know it! With the summer months come days at the pool, beach, or spent outside tanning. Are you ready to break out the bikini? 

If you’re feeling self-conscious about your buttocks, a Brazilian Butt Lift could be the solution. This popular cosmetic procedure is ideal for improving the appearance of a sagging or flat butt, and it can give you a boost of confidence before this summer rolls around. By getting your Brazilian Butt Lift done now, you can ensure that it’s fully healed before it’s time to hit the pool. 

We offer the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure using advanced dermal filler treatment Sculptra or Radiesse. By opting for a minimally-invasive butt lift with Sculptra or Radiesse, patients can avoid surgery and enjoy a faster recovery period.  

Brazilian Butt Lift with Sculptra

Sculptra is a dermal filler that features poly-L-lactic acid for lost volume in the skin. It works by stimulating the skin’s natural collagen production process. With more collagen, the skin will appear tighter, firmer, and sculpted.

Sculptra is administered to the skin in three to four treatment sessions over the course of a few months. This allows for optimal collagen production and long-lasting results. Considering that a Brazilian Butt Lift with Sculptra is administered within a few months, starting your treatment now is ideal to achieve maximum results by this summer. 

How Does Sculptra Compare to a Traditional Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift with Sculptra is a minimally-invasive alternative to a traditional Brazilian Butt Lift, which is an invasive surgical procedure. In a traditional Brazilian Butt Lift, liposuction is first used to vacuum unwanted fat from different parts of the body. This fat is liquified, purified, and re-injected into the buttocks to add volume. 

Rather than using fat from other areas of your body, Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid to safely re-build structure and volume in the buttocks. This allows for a far shorter recovery period, as well as a lower procedure cost. 

Brazilian Butt Lift with Radiesse

Radiesse is a dermal filler made up of CaHA (Calcium Hydroxylapatite) microspheres that are suspended in a water-based gel carrier. We offer a minimally-invasive butt lift using Radiesse to plump and tighten the skin. The CaHA in Radiesse stimulates collagen production in the skin to bring volume and structure to the buttocks.

You’ll notice immediate results after a butt lift Radiesse, with continuing improvement in the months after treatment as your skin produces additional collagen. In the year after the treatment, your body will safely metabolize the Radiesse formula, leaving behind the newly-produced collagen to provide a smooth, lifted appearance to the buttocks. 

To learn more about how a Brazilian Butt Lift with Sculptra and Radiesse can get your body ready for summer, contact us today!