Fraxel® vs IPL for Sun Damage

Sun damage is a common skin concern for many people, especially for those who have spent a lot of time in the sun or have a personal or family history of skin cancer. Luckily, there are several treatments that can help improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin, including Fraxel and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). While both treatments can be effective, we believe Fraxel is the better choice for several reasons.

What is Fraxel?

Fraxel is an innovative laser treatment that uses fractional laser technology to resurface the skin and improve the appearance of sun damage. The laser creates tiny columns of injury in the skin, which triggers the body’s natural healing process and encourages the production of new, healthy skin cells. As a result, Fraxel can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture and tone, and enhance skin firmness. The newest version of Fraxel offers two different wavelengths of energy for treatment, which can be used separately or together, making it a great option for many skin conditions.

What is IPL?

IPL is a non-invasive light treatment that uses broad-spectrum light and many wavelengths of light energy to improve the appearance of the skin. IPL works by penetrating the skin with light that is absorbed more readily by pigmented cells. Those pigmented cells convert the light energy into heat, which helps to break down the pigment and reduce the appearance of brown spots while improving skin tone.

Why is Fraxel Better for Sun Damage?

While both treatments can be effective, Fraxel has several advantages over IPL: 

Fraxel is More Precise

When you’re trying to target something as small as a freckle, precision matters. Fraxel uses only two energy wavelengths so that treatments can be precise and targeted, while IPL blasts random wavelengths of light at the skin, causing a much more diffuse result. The precision of results given by Fraxel laser treatments also means fewer unintentional effects and more success in eliminating pigmented areas.

Fraxel is More Versatile

If you have other skin concerns, such as fine lines and wrinkles, you’ll definitely want to go with Fraxel over IPL. Fraxel was originally designed to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It can also treat acne scarring and enlarged pores. In contrast, IPL is not a highly recommended treatment for some of these other issues. Using Fraxel will allow your aesthetician to treat multiple issues simultaneously.

Fraxel Requires Fewer Treatments

Fraxel also requires fewer overall treatments than IPL, including less frequent maintenance treatments. We offer our clients anywhere from 1 to 5 Fraxel treatments as part of their initial regimen. The number of sessions required depends on the exact skin conditions the client has and their expected results. While some clients see significant results after just one session, some also require all five initial sessions for optimal results. Compare this to double or more visits with IPL treatments, and you can see why Fraxel is such a popular option for treating sun-damaged skin. Once the initial treatment regimen is complete, you will need a maintenance treatment every 2–3 years to keep results at their best.

Fraxel Laser Treatments for Sun Damaged Skin

If you are looking for an effective way to improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin, Fraxel is the best choice. With its powerful results, versatility, and reliability, Fraxel is the ideal treatment for anyone looking to rejuvenate their skin and achieve a youthful, radiant complexion. To see if Fraxel is right for you, contact us at Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Clearwater and Tampa at 727-799-7000 today!