Increase Your Confidence This Bikini Season with a Sculptra Butt Lift

Spring is here, and summer is just around the corner. It is never too early to start thinking about your bikini body. Some women focus on a slender stomach and firm breasts when looking at bikinis, but one of the prominent features shown by a bikini is the butt. A Sculptra butt lift is a noninvasive, low downtime option for boosting your confidence in your bikini body this summer.

How It Works

Sculptra is a unique dermal filler that has been FDA approved for some time for use in the face. The dermal filler is unique in that it not only adds volume, but it also stimulates collagen production. Collagen is what supports the firmness and suppleness of your skin and connective tissues. Ultimate Image uses this unique dermal filler to add volume and suppleness to your butt through a noninvasive procedure.

Scupltra doesn’t work quickly. You will need two to three treatments of Sculptra spaced out every three weeks to get the results you desire for your butt lift. A skilled and experienced aesthetician can determine the right number of treatments based on your goals and condition. Read More