The Secrets of Kybella

Aside from movie actors putting on weight for a special role, nobody has ever looked in the mirror and wishes for more fat in the neck and chin area. Our society values long, slim, swan-like necks for their elegance and contour. If age has robbed you of your own beautiful chin and neck area, there is now a way to turn back the hands of time. Kybella is a ground-breaking product beloved by everybody within the cosmetic industry for its remarkable ability to make the dreaded “double chin” disappear. Here are all of the secrets about Kybella that you’re eager to know.

Kybella Targets Submental Fullness

Submental fullness is a common and frustrating condition that causes the chin and neck area to take on more fat. When you are still young, your chin naturally holds a layer of fat for protection, but it’s nearly impossible to see. As you get older and a combination of gravity, lost elasticity, and decreased collagen make your skin weaker and less responsive to healing, that protective fat slips downward and becomes obvious as saggy, wrinkled skin. If you are genetically predisposed for water retention or weak chin muscles, submental fullness may impact you even more. In today’s society, submental fullness has become known as the double chin, which is surprisingly resistant to diet and exercise improvements.

Kybella Delivers Real Results

The FDA recently approved Kybella as a simple injection that dissolves extra fat in the chin and neck area. The main ingredient, deoxycholic acid, exists naturally in the body to break down and absorb fat. When injected directly into your submental fullness, the deoxycholic acid plays the same role on a more accelerated level by cutting through your unwanted double chin. Kybella works in two ways; it permanently destroys existing fat to enhance your swan-like neckline, and it also prevents cells from storing and accumulating fat in the future.  

Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center is the leading source for Kybella treatments in the Clearwater, Florida area. Medical Director Todd Besnoff is an injection specialist who will use between two and six treatments of Kybella over a six month period to help you enjoy a dramatic reduction in submental fullness. Call today at (727) 799-7000 to learn more and schedule your first Kybella appointment. Why accept the downsides of aging if you don’t have to?!