Say Bye-Bye to Your Double Chin with KYBELLA®

If you see a double chin when you look in the mirror, you’re not the only one. Many people struggle with double chins, especially with older age, but also due to genetics in some cases. Unfortunately, diet and exercise often don’t have any effect on a double chin, leaving many people frustrated and unsure of what to do.

In past eras, to get rid of a double chin, you would likely have to undergo surgery. Now, with the invention of KYBELLA®, that’s no longer the case.

Let’s learn about how KYBELLA®, a non-surgical and FDA-approved treatment for fat below the chin, can help you say bye-bye to your double chin for good.


KYBELLA® is an injectable treatment for submental fat, which is fat underneath the chin. The main ingredient in KYBELLA® is deoxycholic acid, which is the molecule naturally produced in the body to break down and absorb fat cells. Since deoxycholic acid is found naturally in the body, KYBELLA® is a safe treatment option for people over the age of 18 wanting to eliminate submental fat.

How KYBELLA® Works

In KYBELLA® treatment, the specialized formula is injected into the areas of excess fat underneath the chin. Multiple injections are administered in each treatment session. The deoxycholic acid in KYBELLA® then destroys the fat cells, visibly eliminating the double chin. Once KYBELLA® breaks down the fat cells, they can’t come back, allowing for long-lasting results.

KYBELLA® is generally completed in multiple treatment sessions. For the best results, patients may need up to six sessions, with visible results usually appearing within two to three sessions. After KYBELLA®, you’ll enjoy a slimmer, more elegant neckline. The absence of submental fat will rejuvenate your appearance and provide a lasting boost of confidence.

If you’re interested in KYBELLA® to get rid of your double chin, contact Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center today.