Reversing Sun Damage with Chemical Peels and Facials

Who doesn’t want younger, healthier, more radiant skin? Unfortunately, the harsh Florida sun doesn’t make that an easy goal to achieve. The sun’s harsh ultraviolet rays are your skin’s worst enemy, but they are hard to escape in Clearwater. In order to effectively battle signs of sun damage on your skin, you need to incorporate more than sunscreen, face wash, and moisturizer into your skincare routine. A monthly facial or chemical peel is the perfect addition to your beauty regimen because it can remove dead and damaged skin to reveal healthy, vibrant skin without any invasive or harsh treatment methods.

The Difference Between Facials and Chemical Peels

A facial is the building block of every healthy skincare routine. Facials differ based on their specific goals, but each facial involves cleansing, exfoliating, and nourishing the skin in order to promote a youthful, clear, and bright complexion. Overall, facials remove dead skin cells, clean the pores, rehydrate the skin, and restore balance to your appearance. Chemical peels, meanwhile, use specific chemicals and ingredients to peel away the skin’s top layer. This process removes visible sun damage, equalizes the skin’s pigment, and even minimizes the appearance of wrinkles!

Your Treatment Options

Like everything else in the cosmetic world, you have quite a selection of chemical peels from which to choose! Peels range in their depth of penetration, length of time, and concentration of acid so that you can completely customize your results. A Glycolic Acid Peel, for example, is a light superficial peel that doesn’t require any downtime or significant peeling. It’s perfect for beginners because can still improve the skin without being too intense. A Jessner Peel, meanwhile, is a medium strength choice that targets sun damage and stimulates peeling after three to four days.

Thanks to the ease and efficiency of treatments like facials and peels, you don’t need to let signs of sun damage accumulate on your skin and force you to look older. Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Clearwater, Florida specializes in the very best facials and peels, so call (727) 799-7000 today to make your appointment today.