Misconceptions of Aesthetic Medicine

Aesthetic treatments are growing in popularity today as people seek out ways to enhance their appearance. However, with this rise in popularity, there are also many misconceptions about aesthetic medicine that have spread among consumers. Here, we’ll discuss these misconceptions and the truth about aesthetic medicine as a reliable solution to many cosmetic concerns. 

Aesthetic Medicine Is Only for Older People. 

Given that aesthetic treatments often work to combat signs of aging, many people believe that aesthetic medicine is only for older individuals. This is not the case! While aesthetic treatments can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other imperfections associated with aging, it may also be used for scarring, cellulite, acne, redness, and as part of weight loss efforts. 

Aesthetic medicine can help adult patients of all ages feel happier and more confident in their own skin. No matter patients’ age, we can provide non-invasive, aesthetic treatments that help them reach their cosmetic goals. Some aesthetic treatments may even be used as preventative measures for early signs of aging, helping to ensure that the skin stays healthy and radiant into older age. 

All Aesthetic Treatments Are the Same. 

Even within a category of aesthetic treatments, such as facial fillers, there are distinct differences between each treatment option. Not every aesthetic treatment available for the same cosmetic concern will have the same effect. For example, while Botox injections and dermal fillers can both improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, each treatment works differently, provides different results, and lasts for different periods of time. 

With this in mind, it’s important to have a consultation with a knowledgeable doctor who specializes in aesthetic medicine before deciding on the right treatment for you. After considering your unique needs and cosmetic concerns, your doctor can guide you towards the ideal aesthetic treatment. 

All Aesthetic Treatments Are Invasive.

When many people consider aesthetic treatments, they associate them with cosmetic surgery. However, there are many aesthetic treatments that are entirely non-invasive, allowing patients to avoid scarring and lengthy recovery times. Ultimate Image Cosmetic Center offers many non-invasive treatment options — including laser treatments, facials, and microdermabrasion — for common aesthetic concerns. 

Aesthetic Treatments Can Be Administered in Any Beauty Salon.

Aesthetic treatments must be administered by a certified medical professional in an appropriate medical setting. These treatments are not like typical beauty treatments that you can undergo in a salon. To ensure the safety and efficacy of the procedure, you’ll need an experienced doctor who’s certified to perform the aesthetic treatment that you’re interested in.

Dr. Besnoff at Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center is a leading cosmetic physician certified to administer a wide range of aesthetic medical treatments. By visiting our medical center for your cosmetic concerns, you can secure the best possible results for your aesthetic treatments.