Get Rid of Spider Veins in Time for Summer

Most women are familiar with those bothersome blue veins that run across the legs. They are known as spider veins, and though they don’t hurt or cause any health problems, they are nonetheless bothersome. As spring rounds the corner, now is the perfect time to take action and banish your own spider veins before summer arrives. With a few sclerotherapy treatments, you can make your spider veins disappear and leave your legs looking healthier and younger than ever.

Why Do Spider Veins Form?

Spider veins are the small red and purple blood vessels that twist and turn under the skin, usually on the legs. Since they are situated so close to the skin’s surface, they are visible to the naked eye. There are certain factors that might increase your chances of getting spider veins, like hormone fluctuations brought on by pregnancy and menopause, but heredity is often the culprit.

The reason that spider veins become visible under the skin is simple. Blood is meant to travel through blood vessels in one direction, but sometimes the one-way valves become defective and allow blood to backflow within the veins. This backflow causes the blood to pool, and spider veins then develop.

Sclerotherapy Banishes Spider Veins

While most current cosmetic technology has only been around a few years, sclerotherapy has actually been used for nearly 100 years. It’s a relatively simple solution that delivers major results. The treatment requires an injection of a salt solution directly into the unwanted spider veins. The salt solution irritates the lining of the blood vessels so much that they swell, clot, and morph into scar tissue. Eventually, the body will process the scar tissue and the spider veins will disappear from sight completely.

The body automatically adjusts to the loss of these blood vessels by rerouting blood through healthier veins located deeper under the skin. This keeps your blood flowing while also allowing your skin to remain clear.

Since sclerotherapy results accumulate with each treatment, it’s best to undergo three to six treatments total. There’s no downtime involved–just patience as the results begin to show. By the time summer hits, you’ll be so excited to put on shorts once again.