Banish Unwanted Fat with Kybella

Are you tired of those small, stubborn deposits of fat that just won’t go away, no matter how much you diet or exercise? You’re not alone. A significant portion of the population struggles with this issue. But don’t worry, there’s a solution that doesn’t involve surgery or downtime. Have you heard of Kybella, a revolutionary treatment that can help you say goodbye to that unwanted fat for good? Let’s talk about it. Read More

Say Goodbye to Sagging Jowls with Kybella®

Facial skin becomes thinner and less elastic as we age, leading to undesirable sagging and drooping. We notice this sagging more prominently in the jowls and chin areas. While the appearance of sagging jowls, a double chin, or a turkey neck may come normally with age, people all over the world have searched for ways to reverse the effects of time to get back their firm, tight jawline. Read More

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin with Kybella®

Up to 47% of the United States population suffers from the dreaded double chin, which is also called submental fat. Fat builds up under the chin due to dietary insufficiencies, genetics, and/or lack of physical activity. By eating better and engaging in regular exercise, some patients can reduce or even eliminate that stubborn chin fat. However, for patients who cannot, Kybella® may be the answer.

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® is a treatment administered via an injection to treat excess submental fat. Kybella® is made of deoxycholic acid, which is injected directly into the chin’s fat deposits to disintegrate the fat cells. These destroyed fat cells are absorbed by the body, never to return again, making Kybella® a permanent treatment.  Read More

Kybella: How It Works and What to Expect

woman focusing on her neckKybella is a prescription injection designed to eliminate stored fat beneath the chin. As the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to eliminate fat cells under the chin, Kybella is a valuable and unique cosmetic treatment.

We’re happy to offer Kybella at Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Clearwater, Florida. Here, we’ll reveal how Kybella works to eradicate submental fat for a defined, youthful appearance. 

How Does Kybella Work?

Synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that’s naturally found in the human body, is the active ingredient in Kybella injections. This molecule helps the body break down and absorb dietary fat. Read More

Lose Your Double Chin Without Surgery

A double chin can make you appear older and overweight. Even young and thin people can suffer from a double chin thanks to genetics. You no longer have to suffer with a double chin, disliking your appearance. There is a treatment available that eliminates a double chin without surgery. Learn more about this treatment and how it can help.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable that dissolves excess fat under and in the chin. The active ingredient of Kybella is deoxycholic acid, which is the same natural compound that the body produces and uses to break down fat cells. Because this is a compound that is naturally produced by the body, it is generally deemed completely safe and has few if any side effects. Read More

Kybella is the Best Gift of the Season

Kybella has become such a national sensation that you are bound to have heard of this cosmetic treatment by now. By busting double chin fat and restoring a slim and contoured appearance to the neck area, Kybella does what no other procedure can! This makes it the ultimate gift to give yourself or others this season.

The Submental Fat Dilemma: Why Is It There?

Your double chin or “submental fullness” may be a result of aging, genetics, weight gain, or a combination of those factors. Men and women alike find themselves frustrated by this issue as they age. It’s such a common condition that, according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, nearly 70 percent of all Americans wish they could slim and contour their chin areas to eliminate excess fullness. Read More

Ditch the Double Chin in Time for Holiday Photo Season with Kybella

It may only be  late-August, but it’s already time to begin thinking about the holiday season. If you want to look better than ever this winter, there are treatments you can begin right now in order to see the results in time for the holidays. Kybella, for instance, can help you ditch all signs of that bothersome double chin. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved treatment for submental fullness, or “the double chin,” in men and women. It reduces the appearance of moderate to severe fat on the neck and chin in order to create a smoother, younger, more contoured appearance. Read More