Benefits Of Microneedling

As a minimally-invasive cosmetic treatment option, microneedling can provide several benefits for your beauty goals. 

Understanding Microneedling

Microneedling is a cosmetic treatment designed to help patients achieve a smoother, more even complexion. During the treatment, a micropen with multiple micro-needles is used to make minuscule punctures on the surface of the skin. These controlled, painless pricks stimulate the skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin. 

As we age, our bodies naturally produce less collagen and elastin. These substances contribute volume and strength to the skin, allowing for a healthy complexion. With less collagen and elastin in the skin, the texture and clarity of the skin may suffer. Fine lines and wrinkles may form, the skin will appear thinner, and discoloration may appear. 

The Benefits of Microneedling

Combat Signs of Aging

Microneedling is an effective method for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The additional collagen and elastin produced as a result of microneedling treatment will fill in facial lines and create a smoother appearance. 

A Solution to Scarring

Scarring, including acne scarring, can benefit from microneedling. By making controlled injuries in the skin, microneedling will prompt the skin to turn over dead cells and replace them with new, healthy skin cells. This process of cell turnover will help minimize the appearance of scars and even out your complexion. 

Safe, Natural Results

In microneedling, no foreign substances are injected into the skin. The process instead stimulates the skin’s natural healing process. By harnessing the skin’s ability to heal itself from its deep layers, microneedling produces visible, natural-looking results. 

Better Absorption of Topical Skincare Products

After microneedling, your skin will be primed for optimal absorption of topical skincare products. It’s a great way to boost the effectiveness of your skincare products and ensure that the products reach the deepest layers of your skin for optimal results. 

Little to No Downtime

Since microneedling is minimally-invasive, little to no downtime is required after the treatment. You’ll be able to return to your regular routine immediately. Patients may experience some minor inflammation in the first days after treatment, but this will fade quickly. Less downtime is required after a microneedling treatment than after laser treatments or chemical peels. 

Ready to try microneedling for yourself? Visit Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center today. We’ll learn about your cosmetic goals and develop a treatment plan to address your personal needs.