Shave the Age from Your Face with Dermaplaning

Thick, radiant hair might be a great asset on the top of the head, but excess hair on the face itself is definitely not something that women desire. Thin “peach fuzz” hairs grow naturally on the face, but some women find that theirs are especially bothersome. Known formally as vellus hairs, peach fuzz has a tendency to trap oil, makeup, sweat, and other unwanted debris on the skin, which then leads to breakouts, dull complexion, and unhealthy skin.

Fortunately, there is a simple cosmetic treatment available called dermaplaning that eliminates vellus hairs and rejuvenates the skin. Dermaplaning strips the skin of peach fuzz and dead skin cells in order to reveal the healthier, younger skin underneath. You’d be hard-pressed to find any other treatment that offers such a range of benefits using such a simple process.  

Dermaplaning for Vibrant Skin

As oil, makeup, and dirt get trapped in the vellus hairs on your face, they cause your skin to become visibly dull and aged. Dermaplaning manages to revitalize your skin by removing peach fuzz hairs and dead skin cells. This allows younger, healthier skin to become visible immediately after treatment. Without that accumulation of oil, makeup, and dead skin cell buildup on your face, your skin will become radiant once again.

Furthermore, dermaplaning makes it possible for cleansers, moisturizers, and serums to more efficiently be absorbed into your skin. Without all of that pesky peach fuzz to stand in your way, your skin will have the opportunity to undergo consistent and sustainable healing.

Why Wait?

Dermaplaning is a quick and simple treatment that delivers dramatic results. Since it’s painless and noninvasive, why wait to give it a try and discover how it can transform your skin? Ultimate Image Cosmetic Medical Center in Clearwater, Florida offers premier dermaplaning services to help fulfill all of your cosmetic needs. Call (727) 799-7000 to make your appointment today!